Paul Coughlin
The Real World and Real Solutions to Adolescent Bullying

OSROA is pleased to introduce our Paul Coughlin.  Paul founded The Protectors in 2005, an organization was born from personal experience and a unique understanding into a fundamental weakness to existing anti-bullying programs.  As a Target of bullying while in school, Paul knows just how damaging such a campaign of cruelty can be to a person’s emotional and psychological wellbeing.  


Unlike traditional anti-bullying efforts that focus primarily upon reforming children who bully (and which are historically ineffective) Paul focuses primarily upon the potential strength, heroic desire, and rescuing capacity of Bystanders.  He also provides training for Targets, helps Authority dispel the many damaging myths about bullying, and inspires children who bully to employ their power in life-affirming directions instead.  Studies show that Bystanders possess the most potential power to transform what we call the “Theater of Bullying” into a theater of character, freedom and justice.  The Protectors helps children of all ages understand that they can feel fear and still obey their conscience by doing the right thing anyway.  


Paul Coughlin is an expert witness regarding bullying and the law, and is a FoxNews analyst and contributor.  He has appeared on Good Morning America, Nightline, C-Span, The LA Times, The New York Times, Newsweek and other media outlets.  Paul is a best-selling author of eight books, including the freedom-from-bullying parent and teacher resource "Raising Bully-Proof Kids."  He works with numerous professional organizations to diminsh bullying, including the Baltimore Ravens.  His anti-bullying curriculum is used throughout North America as well as in South Africa, Uganda, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil among other countries.  OSROA is excited to welcome Paul to our conference. 

Copyright 2019 OSROA
OSROA / Medford Police Department
411 West 8th Street
Medford, OR 97501